
PVC Blinds vs Bamboo Blinds for Outdoors, Which is Better?

When it comes to the best outdoor blinds, you have plenty of options to choose from. However, two of the most popular options are PVC blinds and bamboo blinds. Both types of blinds have their unique features and characteristics, which make them suitable for different situations.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the differences between PVC blinds and bamboo blinds, their pros and cons, and which one you should go for.

I’m Sunita Kohli, a seasoned interior designer with 18 years of experience in vibrant cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Goa, Etc. Over the years, I have sharpened my skills and gained an in-depth knowledge of design, aesthetics, and functionality.

My passion for creating beautiful and functional spaces has led me to work on various projects, from residential to commercial spaces all over India. In this blog, about PVC blinds vs Bamboo blinds, I have listed their characteristics, Pros and Cons, and which one you should go for.


PVC Blinds vs Bamboo Blinds

What are PVC blinds?

PVC, short for polyvinyl chloride, is a synthetic material widely used in the construction industry. PVC blinds, as the name suggests, are blinds made of PVC material.

PVC blinds are popular for outdoor use because they are durable, waterproof, and easy to clean. PVC blinds come in a variety of colors and designs, making them a popular choice for modern homes.

What are bamboo blinds?

Bamboo blinds, on the other hand, are made from natural bamboo reeds. They have been used for centuries in Asian countries as a natural, eco-friendly alternative to synthetic blinds.

Bamboo blinds are known for their rustic, natural look and feel, and they are often used to add a touch of nature to outdoor spaces. Bamboo blinds come in various styles and colors, ranging from light to dark shades.


The difference between PVC blinds and bamboo blinds

The most significant difference between PVC blinds vs bamboo blinds is the material they are made of. PVC blinds are synthetic, while bamboo blinds are natural. This difference between PVC blinds and bamboo blinds has significant implications for the two types of blinds in terms of their durability, appearance, and maintenance.


PVC blinds are known for their durability. They are resistant to moisture, heat, and UV radiation, which makes them ideal for outdoor use. PVC blinds can last for years without fading or cracking, which means you don’t have to replace them frequently.

On the other hand, bamboo blinds are not as durable as PVC blinds. Bamboo is a natural material that can be affected by moisture, heat, and sunlight. If you live in a humid area, bamboo blinds may be prone to mold or mildew, which can shorten their lifespan.


PVC blinds are available in a wide range of colors and designs, from solid colors to patterns and prints. PVC blinds can mimic the look of natural materials such as wood or fabric, which means you can get the appearance you want without the cost or maintenance.

On the other hand, bamboo blinds have a natural, look and feel. They are perfect for creating a natural, earthy ambiance in your outdoor space. Bamboo blinds are also available in various colors and styles, so you can choose the one that best suits your preferences.


PVC blinds are easy to clean and maintain. You can wipe them down with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris. PVC blinds are also waterproof, which means you don’t have to worry about water damage.

On the other hand, bamboo blinds require more maintenance than PVC blinds. You need to clean them regularly to prevent dust and debris buildup, and you should avoid exposing them to moisture or direct sunlight, which can cause them to fade or crack.


When it comes to cost, PVC blinds are generally less expensive than bamboo blinds. PVC blinds are made from synthetic materials, which makes them less expensive than natural materials like bamboo.

Bamboo blinds are slightly expensive due to the cost of sourcing and processing natural materials. Therefore, if you are looking for blinds that are more affordable, PVC blinds would be a better choice.

safety concerns

it’s important to note that there are some safety concerns associated with PVC blinds. PVC blinds may contain harmful chemicals that can be released into the air and affect indoor air quality.

PVC blinds may contain lead, cadmium, and phthalates, which can be harmful to human health, especially for children and pets who may be more susceptible to their effects. These were the major differences between PVC blinds vs bamboo blinds.

However, it’s worth noting that not all PVC blinds are created equal. Some manufacturers have started using safer materials in their PVC blinds, such as phthalate-free PVC, which is less likely to release harmful chemicals.

If you’re considering PVC blinds for your outdoor space, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable blinds dealer that uses safer materials. we have listed the best blinds dealers in major cities in India.


Pros and cons of PVC blinds for Outdoor

Pros And Cons Of Bamboo Blinds For Outdoor


Are PVC blinds safe?

There have been concerns raised about the safety of PVC blinds, particularly when it comes to the potential release of harmful chemicals into the air. Are PVC Blinds Really Safe? Let us look into it.

However, PVC blinds are regulated by various government agencies, including the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in the United States, which sets standards for the safety of consumer products.

According to the CPSC, PVC blinds are safe when they are manufactured and installed correctly. However, there have been cases where PVC blinds have been found to contain high levels of lead, which can be harmful if ingested.

It is important to purchase PVC blinds from reputable blinds dealers who comply with safety standards and avoid purchasing blinds from E-commerce sites like Amazon, Flipkart, Etc.

How to ensure the safety of PVC blinds in your space?

To ensure the safety of PVC blinds in your home, it is important to follow these guidelines:

  1. Purchase blinds from reputable manufacturers who comply with safety standards.
  2. Avoid purchasing blinds from online sources or second-hand stores.
  3. Regularly clean your blinds to prevent the buildup of dust and dirt.
  4. Do not allow children or pets to play with or chew on PVC blinds.
  5. If you have older PVC blinds in your home, consider replacing them with newer, safer models.

What are the alternatives to Outdoor PVC blinds?

If you are concerned about the safety of PVC blinds, there are several alternatives available, including:

  1. Bamboo blinds
  2. Monsoon blinds
  3. Fabric blinds
  4. Aluminum blinds

Each of these alternatives has its own benefits and drawbacks, and it is important to choose the option that best fits your needs and preferences.

In conclusion, Are PVC Blinds Really Safe? Yes, PVC blinds can be a safe and affordable choice for your home, if they are manufactured and installed correctly. It is important to purchase blinds from reputable blinds dealers who comply with safety standards and follow the guidelines.

we have provided to ensure the safety of your family. If you have concerns about the safety of PVC blinds, there are several alternatives available that may better fit your needs.


benefits of Bamboo Blinds for Outdoor Spaces

In addition to the eco-friendliness and safety benefits mentioned earlier, bamboo blinds offer a number of advantages for outdoor use. One of the main benefits is their natural insulation properties.

Bamboo is a natural insulator, which means it can help regulate the temperature in your outdoor space, keeping it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This can help you save on energy costs and create a more comfortable outdoor environment.

Bamboo blinds are also highly customizable. They come in a variety of colors, patterns, and styles, so you can find a design that complements your outdoor decor and personal style.

Additionally, bamboo blinds can be cut to fit any size window or door, making them a versatile option for any outdoor space. This is one of the major differences between PVC blinds vs Bamboo blinds.

Another advantage of bamboo blinds is their durability. Although they may require more maintenance than PVC blinds, bamboo blinds are highly resistant to weathering and fading.

They can withstand exposure to sunlight, wind, and rain without losing their color or shape, making them a long-lasting and cost-effective choice for outdoor use. Let us see more differences between PVC blinds vs Bamboo blinds.

Finally, bamboo blinds are a sustainable and eco-friendly option for outdoor window treatments. Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable resource that requires minimal water and fertilizer to grow. It’s also biodegradable and can be recycled or composted at the end of its life.

By choosing bamboo blinds for your outdoor space, you’re making a conscious choice to reduce your environmental footprint and support sustainable practices.

Overall, bamboo blinds offer a natural, stylish, and eco-friendly alternative to PVC blinds for outdoor use. Whether you’re looking to regulate the temperature in your outdoor space, enhance your outdoor decor, or reduce your environmental impact, bamboo blinds are a great choice for any outdoor setting.


Fungus Issues in Bamboo Blinds

One potential issue with bamboo blinds for outdoor use is the growth of fungus or mold on the surface of the blinds. This can happen in areas with high humidity or where the blinds are exposed to moisture, such as during rainy seasons.

Fungus growth can be unsightly and can also cause health problems, especially for people with allergies or respiratory issues. This is a major difference between PVC blinds vs Bamboo blinds.

How to Prevent fungus growth on Bamboo Blinds

To prevent fungus growth on bamboo blinds, it’s important to keep them clean and dry. Regular cleaning with a mild detergent and water can help remove any dirt or debris that could encourage fungus growth.

It’s also important to allow the blinds to fully dry after rain or dew, which can be done by opening them fully and allowing them to air out in direct sunlight.

Another solution to prevent fungus growth is to treat the bamboo blinds with a Varnish coating. These treatments can help kill any existing fungus and prevent new growth from forming.

However, it’s important to choose a treatment that is safe for outdoor use and won’t harm the environment or your family’s health.

If you do notice fungus growth on your bamboo blinds, it’s important to address it promptly to prevent it from spreading. Use a mild detergent and water to clean the affected area, and consider applying a varnish solution to prevent future growth.


In summary, while fungus growth can be a potential issue with bamboo blinds for outdoor use, it can be prevented with proper cleaning and maintenance.

By keeping your bamboo blinds clean and dry and using a fungicide or anti-fungal solution as needed, you can enjoy the natural beauty and eco-friendliness of bamboo blinds in your outdoor space without worrying about fungus growth.

In conclusion, choosing between PVC blinds vs bamboo blinds for your outdoor space requires careful consideration of several factors, including durability, safety, and style. While PVC blinds offer superior weather resistance and ease of maintenance, they may not be the best choice for families concerned about the potential health risks associated with the use of PVC materials.

On the other hand, bamboo blinds offer a natural, eco-friendly option that can add warmth and character to your outdoor space, but may require additional care and maintenance to prevent damage from the elements.

Ultimately, the choice between PVC blinds vs bamboo blinds will depend on your unique needs, preferences, and priorities. By understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each option, and taking steps to ensure the safety and durability of your blinds, you can create a comfortable, stylish outdoor space that meets all of your needs.

So whether you choose PVC, bamboo, or another material entirely, be sure to do your research, shop from a reputable source, and follow all safety guidelines to enjoy your outdoor window treatments for years to come. This was it on PVC blinds vs Bamboo blinds.

we hope that our article on PVC blinds vs Bamboo blinds has been helpful in your search for the perfect home window coverings. As always, we appreciate your feedback and welcome any questions or comments you may have.

So, whether you are a homeowner looking to update your window coverings or a designer searching for the latest trends, we invite you to follow our blog for more informative and inspiring content. Our goal is to help you transform your home into a beautiful and functional space that reflects your unique style and personality.

Thank you, for taking the time to read this article on PVC blinds vs Bamboo blinds. We hope that it has provided you with some valuable insights and guidance on selecting the best blinds for your space.

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